Painting Positivity: Russell Miyaki’s Abstract Canine Creations

Get to know artist Russell Miyaki, from Monroe, Connecticut, as he prepares to release a collection of all new pieces for the latest virtual art show experience from Artburst Studios!

To Be Featured In:  Stories We Tell (Feb, 2024)
Learn More & View Work Examples:  Artburst Studios Artist Profile

Meet Russell Miyaki, a contemporary artist and creative director whose journey through art is as colorful as his work. Nestled within the historic walls of Metro Art Studios in Bridgeport, CT, a renovated 1800s corset factory, Russell brings his visions to life on canvas, wall board, and plexiglass. His roots trace back to the sun-drenched landscapes of New Mexico, where he, a third-generation Japanese American, first discovered his passion for art.

“Through the silent strokes of my brush, I channel the boundless joy and love dogs bestow upon us. My art is a reflection of the silent conversations between the heart and the joyous spirit of these loyal companions.” 

Russell graduated with honors in Colorado, majoring in advertising design and illustration. With a brush in hand and a heart full of dreams, he embarked on a journey through the world of design studios and advertising agencies, garnering accolades and industry recognition along the way. Yet, it was the daring leap into the realm of greeting card design that truly defined the next steps in his path.

With a unique technique that involved design markers on metallic paper, Russell crafted each card by hand, infusing them with vibrant colors that seemed to dance upon the surface. This distinctive style garnered a national following, adorning the shelves of boutique gift and gallery stores across the United States. It was a testament to Russell’s ability to merge innovation with tradition, creating art that resonated deeply with audiences far and wide.

Human-kind’s favorite furry companions, dogs, are a recurring theme within Russell’s work.  Rather than capturing a mere likeness, Russell delves into the emotional essence of our beloved canine companions. Through gestural abstracts of color, he harnesses the profound connection between humans and dogs, expressing the joy, loyalty, and boundless love they evoke within us.

Russell hopes that his art serves as a beacon of hope and positivity in a world too often overshadowed by negativity and division. His shift towards expressing how he wants to feel, rather than how the world makes him feel, speaks volumes about his commitment to spreading joy and healing through his work.

Russell’s latest collection will be available at our upcoming virtual art show “Stories We Tell” (Feb 22-24).  You can learn more about him and his work at his official website:

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