Creativity comes in many forms, and when three passionate and quirky artists get together, you never know what’s going to happen.
Checking out each other’s latest paintings…
Discussing creative challenges…
Brainstorming creative ways to share our work…
Wait, what was that? Say it again.
A week later, we made formal plans to create Artburst Studios. No, it wasn’t Artburst Studios from the start. There were hundreds of names under consideration, many that we loved. We finally agreed Artburst was our choice because, well, because it says it all. It’s hard to believe that we started this journey in early February.
Standing in the shoes of an artist first, and then in the shoes of a collector, we made a list of what we loved most about the different opportunities we’ve had (galleries, festivals, art shows) and then considered some of the challenges. Based on our list, we identified our priorities and jumped right in. Fast forward thousands of hours, (yes, that many!) we are proud and passionate to present Artburst Studios.