"Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to feel blessed"
Mary Oliver
About Me
I am a painter living in northern Minnesota, and working primarily with oils or acrylic. I spend an inordinate amount of time outside observing wildlife (loving every minute) with a Canon and long lens, then translating my experiences through paint. My style is a form of magical realism, where illustrations of symbiotic relationships found in the Natural World tell stories about intangible concepts like hope and love. I like to think that the viewer is sitting beside me in nature re-experiencing the childlike wonder of our complex and miraculous universe.
Examples of My Work
Fun Facts
- • Beloved Conversation Subject: BIRDS. (You've been forewarned)
- • Beloved Hobby: creating an evolving canvas for birds and creatures through flower gardening.
- • Beloved Morning Ritual: English Breakfast tea (with whipped cream in the winter! )
- • Beloved Season: Spring, filled with the promise of bison calves and returning songbirds.
- • Beloved Place: Glacier Nat'l Park
More About Me
What inspires you?
The interconnected patterns of exquisite beauty in Nature everywhere, every season, every day. It's not only inspiring, but comforting too.
What gives you goosebumps?
Chickadee toes on my sunflower-seed-filled outstretched hand. Classical music.
(not simultaneously, but that would be cool.)
What is your hidden talent or claim to fame?
Slowest hiker/slowest cross-country skier. I stop to look at everything along the way.